

Arithmetic progression can be defined as a sequence of numbers where the common difference between two consecutive terms is always the same. Therefore, each term is obtained by adding the same quantity (the common difference) to the preceding term.

4.- In this window you can form arithmetic progressions by just indicating the first term and the common difference.

5.- Form five progressions. Make sure that the first term is different in each example and that the common difference in some cases is positive and negative in others.

6.- In your exercise book write out the first ten terms in each sequence and the 100th, 1,000th and 10,000th terms.

Use the arrows to change the value of n or write in the new value and press Enter.

7.- Choose one of the progressions you have formed and try to find a formula which will allow you to find any term knowing its position in the sequence (n).

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8.- Now try to do the same for the other four progressions.


  Juan Madrigal Muga
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2002

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