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Fractions, decimals and
percentages: Rational numbers. |
3rd year of secondary education. | |
Changing fractions to decimals | |
A fraction can be changed into a decimal by dividing the numerator by the denominator. You can use a calculator, or see how to do it in the following window. | |
The result could be:
1.- A WHOLE NUMBER.- For example: 72/9=8. This is the case when the
numerator is a multiple of the denominator.
3.- A PURE RECURRING DECIMAL - For example: 4/11=0.36363636... The
decimal numbers form a pattern that is repeated indefinitely after the
decimal point. Look at these different examples in the window. |
Rational numbers | |||
We have just seen,
in the section above, how we can get four different types of numbers when we
divide a fraction (a whole number, a terminating decimal or a pure or mixed
recurring decimal). All of these numbers could be said to fall into the category
of recurring decimals, as a whole number, such as 4, could be
written as 4.00000... and a terminating decimal, such as 0.25, could be written
as 0.250000...
Therefore, we could
say that any fraction can be expressed as a recurring decimal. We can
also say that the opposite is true, i.e. that any recurring decimal can be
expressed as a fraction. From now on we shall refer to these numbers as rational
To sum up:
AS A FRACTION IS KNOWN AS A RATIONAL NUMBER We have just seen how we can get four different types of numbers when we
divide a fraction. All of these numbers are RATIONAL. We are going to refer to
this group of numbers with the letter Q. We can classify the set Q of RATIONAL NUMBERS
as follows: |
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Ángela Núñez Castaín | ||
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Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001 | ||
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