6. Explicit equation of the straight line I. Gradient .
Block :Geometry

If in the implicit equation Ax + By + C = 0, B¹0, we can eliminate the y, we obtain an equation of the form:   y = mx + n  called Explicit equation of the straight line where m is the gradient of the line and
n is the y intercept. 

The gradient of a line is the increase in the y-direction (y), when the x-direction (x) increases by one unit. 
Also it is easy to see that
the gradient of a line is the trigonometric tangent of the angle which the line forms with the positive part of the X-axis

In this figure you can try out both: 

1.- If you change the value of x0, you will see that at any point on a particular line, when the x increases by one unit, and from x0 to x0+1, the y always increases by the same, m units. 

2.-If you change the value of m, the slope of the line varies. 

3.-The y intercept, n, is the value of y when x=0, that is, the line cuts the Y axis at the point (0,n). You can test this by varying the value of n in the figure.

4.- Observe how a right angle triangle is formed, where the "cathetus" or short side opposite the angle a, is m, and the value of the adjacent side is 1. For this reason, the gradient also controls the direction of the line.

In this figure you can change the value of the gradient m, of the line, and you will be drawing different lines with different gradients. Hence you will see more clearly the significance of the gradient. 



1.-  Observe the difference between the lines with a positive gradient, those with a negative gradient, and those with a gradient of zero

2.- Click on "clear", and change the value of the ordinate or y-intercept, n. You can observe the difference between lines with the same gradient but different values of n.


The gradient of the line which passes through P1(x1,y1) and P2(x2,y2) is:

In this figure you can change the points P1 and P2, and show that the gradient, m, remains the same for a particular line. 

Also you can change the value of m, obtaining lines with different gradients. 


1.- Go to the "init" button in the figure. 

2.- Copy the coordinates of the points P1(x1,y1) and P2(x2,y2into your exercise book and apply the formula given to find the gradient, m

3.- Check your value of m in the figure. 

4.- Calculate the gradient of the line which passes through the points P1(1,2) and P2(4,5). Introduce the value you have obtained into the figure and then the values of x1=1 and x2=4, in order to verify your calculations. 

5- Calculate the gradient of the line which passes through the points P1(-2,5) and P2(1,-1). Introduce the value you have obtained into the figure, and then the values of x1=-2 and x2=1, in order to verify your calculations. 

  Ángela Núñez Castaín
Ministry of Education , Social Afairs and Sport. Year 2001

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