Primary Education



1 - Measure.
2 - The metre: multiples and submultiples of the metre.
3 - Length unit conversion.
4 - Length unit conversion.
5 - Match the equal measurements.
6 - Measure with a rule.

1 - The litre, multiples and submultiples of the litre.
2 - Volume unit conversion.
3 - Volume unit conversion.
4 - Match the equal volumes.

1 - Mass: kilogram, multiples y submultiples.
2 - Mass unit conversion.
3 - Mass unit conversion.
4 - Match the equal weights.

Metres, litres, kilograms

These activities are designed to be viewed on a 17-inch screen and with a resolution of 1024 x 768 pixels because some windows show measurements in centimetres and millimetres that, when viewed with another configuration, won't correspond with reality; and the size of some windows can even be too big.

This unit only deals with a basic knowledge on length, volume and weight units, as studied in primary school. It does not deal with the other units of the International System.

Moreover, the student should perform measurements with household measurement devices in order to learn and get used to handling measurement units. This cannot be done on the computer.

  • To know that there are other measurement units previous to the metrical system, some of them still being used.
  • To value the importance of having a well-structured measurement system, that facilitates commercial exchange, and enables more accurate measurements, indispensible in the research of physical phenomena and technical progress.
  • To learn the concepts of metre, litre, kilogram, its multiples and submultiples.
  • To reinforce confidence and skills in unit conversion.
  • To practice the measurement of short distances in centimetres and millimetres, getting an accurate measurement and expression of the value.
  Eduardo Barbero Corral
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2007

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