The natural number set
Operations with natural numbers I

1. The natural numbers. The N set.

The concept of number is understood as the expression of a value, the quantification of a magnitude.

Natural numbers express values regarding whole -not divided- things. Natural numbers are counted one by one starting with 0. They don't allow the partition of units and they only express positive values.

N={0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, ... ... ...}
 There are other wider sets of numbers.
Probably you know decimal numbers and integers as well. But there are also other numbers you will study for the next academic years. 

2. Graphical representation of natural numbers.

Natural numbers are represented by means of dots on a straight line, but before that, we must set the position of dot 0 and the length of the segment unit, which will be placed on the line consecutively depending on the value of the number.

Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE. Put the following dots on the line.

3. Ordering of natural numbers
Esta unidad interactiva requiere la máquina virtual de Java J2RE.

Sort the numbers from low to high

  Eduardo Barbero Corral
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2007

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