

The sum of a number and double another number is 7.5. Find these numbers such that:

a) The sum of their squares is minimum
  • when x is one of the numbers the other is (7.5-2x)

  • The function to be minimised is f(x)=x2+(7.5-2x)2

  • Find f'(x) and solve the equation: f'(x)=0

  • Find f''(x) and its sign at these values.

Make the parameter "a" equal to 1, then change the value of x in the window and check your results.

  • What are the two numbers?

b) The difference between their squares is maximum.

  • Which is the function we need to maximise now?
  • Follow the same steps as above.

Now use the CLEAR button  and make the parameter "a" equal to -1. Change the value of x and check your results.

  María José García Cebrian
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001

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