First two years of secondary education.




Direct proportion.

The rule of 3 - direct proportion.

Inverse proportion.

The rule of 3 - inverse proportion.

Ratio and Proportional division.

This unit has been designed to introduce the concept of both direct and inverse proportional parts or quantities.

We will approach the above-mentioned concepts through a series of problems and exercises and also focus on methods which will allow us to apply these concepts to similar situations.

  • To introduce the concept of proportion and its properties.
  • To introduce the concept of directly proportional quantities and find a method which can be used to solve problems involving these kinds of quantities.
  • To introduce the concept of inversely proportional quantities and find a method which can be used to solve problems involving these kinds of quantities.
  • To find similar relationships in different problems, and apply the methods explained earlier on in the unit to solve them.

  Fernando Arias Fernández-Pérez
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001

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