Ruffini's Rule

Ruffini's Rule

We have taken a general look at the division of polynomials in the previous section. However, an important case in the division of polynomials is when the divisor is a binomial of the type x - a, where "a" is a whole number; for example (x - 1), (x + 2), etc.

As well as using the method outlined in the previous section, we can also use what is known as Ruffini's rule.

Ruffini's rule is basically used when the polynomial being divided has just one letter (variable) which is x and the divisor is (x-a).


The coefficients of the dividend and the value "a" are used to obtain the coefficients in the answer and the remainder value (bear in mind that the remainder will always be a number).

An example of this is given in the window.

Example 15 .-

(x3 + x2 - x - 1) : (x - 2)

- The answer is x2 + 3x +5 and the remainder is 9

"By changing the values of "a" in the window you can see other divisions (for example, when a=1 the division is exact)"

"All the coefficients of the dividend should be ordered from the highest to lowest degree and any 'missing' degrees should be represented by a 0."

You may now recognise how to find the answer and remainder. The procedure is as follows:

- The first coefficient of the dividend is written below.

- The coefficient written below is multiplied by "a" and the result is written underneath the second coefficient (if the divisor is of the type (x-a) the sign of a will be positive and if it is of the type (x+a) it will be negative).

- The second coefficient is added to the previous result.

- The process is repeated until you have worked through all the coefficients.

The numbers in the lower row are the coefficients found in the answer (one degree lower than the dividend) except for the last number which is the remainder.

Exercise 10.- Find the answer and remainder of the following divisions: (Carry out the divisions in your exercise book).

a) ( 2x3 + 6x2 - 1 ) : ( x + 3 )

b) ( x4 + 2x3 - x2 + 3x - 5 ) : ( x - 1 )

In the window you can see the values of the coefficients (c1, c2, c3, c4 : 2, 6, 0, -1, and a = -3 for exercise a).

Division b) cannot be carried out in this window as it is limited to up to cubic polynomials. However, you should find that the remainder is 0.

Use this window to work out other divisions where the dividend is a cubic polynomial.

The remainder theorem

As we have just seen in the section above, we can use Ruffini's rule as a simple way of finding the answer and remainder of the division of a polynomial divided by the binomial (x - a). In earlier sections we have also seen how to find the numerical value of an algebraic expression in general and also of a specific polynomial.

Example 16.- Find the numerical value of the dividends in exercise 10 when x= -3 and x= 1 respectively. Compare this numerical value to the remainder of the divisions carried out in this exercise.

What do you notice?


In this window you can see the division of cubic polynomials using Ruffini's rule and the numerical value of the dividends for the corresponding values of "a".

If you want to see examples of quadratic polynomials just make the first coefficient (c1) equal to 0.

This window cannot be used for polynomials of a higher degree than 3.

As you have probably seen, the answer can be expressed as:

The remainder theorem:

"If a polynomial P(x) is divided by a binomial (x - a), then the remainder is equal to the numerical value of the polynomial when x = "a", and can be expressed as P(a)".

Exercise 11.- Find the value of the polynomial x3 + 6x2 - 3x - 4 when:

x = 0 ; x = -2 ; x = 1. Divide the polynomial by the appropriate type of binomial (x - a), checking that the remainder is the same as the numerical value found earlier.

"Use the window above to check the results, changing the values of the coefficients and "a".


Factorizing polynomials

An important operation when dividing polynomials is factorization, or more specifically, obtaining factors of the type (x-a).

Example 17.- If we calculate the product (x-2)·(x+3) we get the polynomial x2 + x - 6, which could be expressed as a product of factors: x2 + x - 6 = (x-2 ) · (x+3)

When we manage to express a polynomial as a product of linear binomials, as in the example, or with at least one binomial of this type, we can refer to this as "factorizing the polynomial"

In order to get factors of the type (x - a) we just need to find values of "a" which give us an exact division using Ruffini's rule, i.e. leaving a remainder of 0 and apply:

"Dividend = divisor · quotient + remainder" or D = d · q + r, which gives D = d · q which can be expressed in polynomial terms with the variable x: D(x) = d(x) · q(x). This gives us the polynomial divided into two factors.

Example 18.- Given the polynomial 2x3 + x2 - 5x + 2 , use the window to find the values of "a" which give a numerical value of 0 of the polynomial.

Change the coefficients accordingly.

You will have noticed that whenever the numerical value is 0, the division of the polynomial by (x - a) is exact (remainder theorem)

If you tried properly you will have found that the numerical value is 0 when x=1 (a = 1) and x = -2. What is the quotient when a = 1?


Use the window again with the coefficients of the quotient obtained when a = 1: 2x2 +3x - 2 (note that as it is a quadratic polynomial the first coefficient c1 = 0). Now do the same for a = -2. You should find a new quotient which is a linear polynomial (2x - 1). Therefore, the factorized polynomial is:

2x3 + x2 - 5x + 2 = (x - 1) (x + 2) ( 2x - 1)

Exercise 12.- Express the polynomial: x4 - 4x3 + x2 + 6x as a product of factors

In order to use the window above, remember that in this case one of the factors must be x (the common factor) and then we can obtain a cubic polynomial. 

A very useful rule is: The whole values of "x = a", when the numerical value of a polynomial is zero, are always divisors of the independent term of the polynomial.

This rule makes it easier to find the values of "a". Thus, in example 18 the only possibilities are 1, -1, 2 and -2.

Go back to the last window and try out the rule.

Applications and exercises

Solving quadratic equations or equations of a higher degree.

Example 19.- In the section above we saw that the following polynomial can be factorized as follows:

2x3 + x2 - 5x + 2 = (x - 1) (x + 2) ( 2x - 1)

We also saw that the numerical value of this polynomial when x = 1 and x = -2 is 0, so if the equation is written:

2x3 + x2 - 5x + 2 = 0, we know that two solutions are x = 1 and x = -2.

These values of x are called the "roots of the polynomial", which are the solutions of the equation P(x) = 0.

As well as the equation: 2x3 + x2 - 5x + 2 = (x - 1) (x + 2) ( 2x - 1) = 0 we also get the following solution as well as the two earlier solutions: 2x - 1 = 0 ; x = 1/2 = 0.5.

This window shows the graph of the equation and Ruffini's rule being applied, giving the solution

x = 0.5.

You can also check the other two solutions.

(If you would like more background information and practice at solving quadratic or higher degree equations, we recommend working through the unit on equations for the first year of post-compulsory secondary education).

Resumen: Dado un polinomio P(x) las siguientes afirmaciones son equivalentes:

Summary: Given the polynomial P(x) the following statements are the same:

- The numerical value for x = a is 0, so P(a) = 0

- The division of the polynomial P(x) by the binomial (x - a) is exact

- (x - a) is a factor of the polynomial: P(x) = (x - a) C(x), where C (x) is the quotient of P(x) : (x-a)

- The equation P(x) = 0 has one solution for x = a.

Exercise 13.- Factorize the following polynomials checking the four statements above are true.

(Use the window above to help)

a) x3 + 2x2 - x - 2

b) x4 - 1

c) x4 + 10x3 + 35x2 - 50x + 24 (One root is x = 4)

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  Leoncio Santos Cuervo
Spanish Ministry of Education. Year 2001

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